About us.

How is it born ? What's the origin of it ?

Everything started during the return leg of the euro derby in 2023. I headed to the usual spot, the Caffe dello Sport, which is Boston’s most iconic calcio bar in the Italian part of town. Usually during big matches the breakdown of fans was pretty even but given Inter’s commanding lead going into the game the bar was full of only Inter fans. I had never seen so many Inter fans all at once in the US. I started the Curva Nord chant at the bar and everyone was matching my energy. There we realized that there were in fact enough Inter fans in Boston to sustain an Inter Club so we started a whatsapp group and from there our club was born. 

What is the most important event of your Inter-Club'history ?

Definitely the 5-1 derby win, it was our first major event as a club with a turn out of about 30 people which was what gave the club momentum. Many of our most loyal members and exec team personnel such as Edgar came for the first time that game. Even though the venue was not the most glamorous as I hosted everyone in my Allston apartment the vibes were impeccable I had turned my living room into San Siro.

Are you in connection with other Inter Club in US or elsewhere ? 

Yes as of right now we have an official partnership with Inter Club Belli de Roma and Inter Club Itri. Edgar has been able to collaborate with many other clubs all around the world with our amazing graphic designs. 

Did you see appear in other Inter Club in US recently ?

The executive team was present at last year’s Inter Club reunion in NYC with Riccardo ferri for all the east coast Inter Clubs

Is it easy for you to watch a game from your Inter-Club ?

Yes, we have a large TV that we use for most games, for big games that elicit bigger turnout we have a projector 

Or very difficult because of the Time shift ?

Not an issue on the weekends. The midweek games are a little harder since people are still at work.


Do you go often to the Meazza ?

 I went to San Siro for the first time in my life recently for the Lecce game this season where I exhibited our famous Calha banner. Many of the other members who lived in Italy used to be Curva Nord members and would attend regularly 

In Europe, l'Inter is very famous, does Inter also very famous in US ?

I would say it is definitely getting more attraction in recent years, the Champions League rin of 22-23 also solidified our presence in American markets and we hope that the club world cup will attract more fans. However, there is still more work to be done as Premier League teams have much larger presence at the moment. 

How is Inter perceived in US ?

Anyone who follows the sport is now aware that Inter is one of the top teams in the world and understands its great history. Again, we still have a significant gap with the Prem teams that garner much more attention.

The photo of your President in front of the Milan Store still making the rounds on social networks: is that rivalry also strong in US ?

Trust me the rivalry is very felt even in Boston. What you have to realize is most of our members are from Italy and the same can be said about Milan club Boston.  After the derby that gave us the 20th scudetto we walked around boston celebrating and ended up at the milan club where they do their watch parties and held up our famous Calha VS Ibra banner under their club just a little bit of banter like they do in Italy with our fan club neighbors , but in the end there is a mutual respect between the two leaderships of the respective clubs. For fans of Serie A abroad we’re more likely to not hold too much animosity for Milan and Juve fans since it is already hard to come by many Serie A fans to begin with, we’re just happy we know someone else we can talk calcio to.  


What are your projects for the future ? Your ambitions ?

We have very ambitious plans which include to become a non- profit organization and become part of the community by working on partnership with Inter Academy Boston and to start recruiting younger fans so we can create a new generation of interisti. We also want to find ways we can partner with the many colleges we have in Boston and target the international student population to find more Inter fans. I firmly believe we still have not fully tapped into all the Inter fans in the New England region and it is my goal as president of the club to connect all Inter fans who live in the area to join. 

What's the reason behind creating a clothing/accessory brand named “VINCERE”

(Edgar speaking) 

We have created an apparel brand named “VINCERE” by inter club boston dedicated to inter.

The idea started with the making of our inter club logo T- shirt .. The response was great and the response from people online with the graphics has been amazing. As a graphic designer that always wanted to create a clothing brand it was the perfect opportunity to create this brand and not just let my art live in the online world.  My goal is to showcase inter in my own creative way and give something cool for people to wear if they like it. I’m just happy to be able to wear different inter graphic shirts to promote our club and showcase inter to other football fans..

Tell us about your visit/collaboration from Serie A North America? They were present at the last derby.

Unfortunately, we lost but we didn't let the result spoil an amazing achievement that we have been working on for the past 2 months. We had planned a sort of re-launch of the club and all executive members put in a great amount of effort to find inter fans that were not aware of the club to come enjoy one of the biggest games of the season. It turned out a success as over 40 people came..many of them had never come before not knowing about the existence of the club

We wanted to use this game to introduce our brand “VINCERE” as well as our brand new website interclubboston.com.

The visit from Serie A North America became the cherry on top. 

Thanks to Eric for the visit and the collaboration we were able to give more exposure to our club. Eric came and captured our derby experience as a fan club and had interviews with a couple members and executive members about the origins of our passion for inter and our future plans. Be on the lookout for more content from this day from our instagram pages.

@interclubboston  @seriea_northamerica 

last Derby serie a north america visit
8a3e9c3b-fd71-41a7-8fa9-07fb0dbfddd4 2.JPG
east coast inter clubs with riccardo ferri
euro derby return leg at cafe dello sport ( day the idea to create a fan club was born)
our official 1st meet up as a club for the 5-1 derby win
just a little friendly banter at the milan club boston headquarters 
gianfranco and his family 1st time at san siro vs lecce
thank you anthony
Gianfranco iaia
Teo Roci
Andrea Maffei 
Andrea Canossini
Edgar Posada
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